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Set in the fictional dystopian city-state of Khansaar, the film follows the friendship between Deva, a tribesman, and Varadha, the prince of Khansaar. When a coup d'état is planned by his father's min...
A disgraced cop, determined to regain his job, hunts down a ruthless international crime syndicate. His quest for redemption turns into a violent pursuit, where the line between vengeance and justice ...
A high school teacher races home to cook dinner for his wife....
A dramedy that takes place entirely within the walls of a grocery store. The story revolves around six individuals, a diverse group of employees and customers, who find themselves unexpectedly trapped...
Vincent Van Gogh's life was a masterpiece painted with the dueling colors of madness versus genius. However, this inner battle gave birth to some of the greatest works of art known to man. The film tr...
A phone call to Izmir while she and Ege are living together in France turns their lives upside down. The caller claims to be Izmir's recently deceased mother....
Haunted by her mother’s death and recurring attacks by Israeli forces on her city, a young girl becomes obsessed with death. To distract her, her father makes a stop-motion film. However, his attempts...
"Junai" is a bar run by Okama's mom and is crowded day and night with male and female couples and gay men. The Miss Pure Love Contest is scheduled to be held soon, and Yamakawa, a regular customer wh...
70 year old Shen Yanhong (played by Yang Ziqiong) was sent to a nursing home by her son after falling seriously ill, and the house was also rented out by her son. In order to regain her life, she trie...
Sophie, a college freshman, is seeking social acceptance from her outgoing and popular peers. Her boyfriend, Andrew, is a wide-eyed pledge for the frat Kappa Alpha Chi. After some unfortunate events, ...
Adelaide must look to her painful past for inspiration in order to finish composing the score for a romance film....
The Black Dog is about Mo, a husband and father, who worries a lot about losing his wife to cancer and raising their 10-year-old daughter alone. His daughter finds him crying out in his sleep....
A story about four best friends who grew up on the south side of Chicago faced with poverty, drugs, jealousy, betrayal, and murder. They realize that all that they have is each other, when in reality,...
After a breakup with her boyfriend, a young woman moves in with her older brother, his wife, and their 2-year-old son....
When motocross and heavy metal obsessed, 13-year-old Jacob's delinquent behavior forces CPS to place his little brother Wes with his aunt, Jacob and his emotionally absent father must finally take res...