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“Olive” is a short documentary that follows Olive Hagemeier, an energetic woman, on her daily routine of salvaging, repackaging and redistributing food, and occasional other types of “waste”, across A...
In March 2023, despite a flush of police raids and arrests in the struggle against Cop City in Atlanta, the Weelaunee Food Autonomy Festival gathered people for four days of learning and working in th...
Director Sam Pollard constructs a portrait of charismatic trailblazer Maynard Jackson, who became Atlanta’s first black mayor in 1973. The son of pastors raised in the segregated South, Jackson entere...
In the midst of a publishing revolution, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, one of America's most storied institutions of journalism, is experimenting with new tools to tell stories in preparation for ...
Set in a speakeasy in Atlanta, “Twenty” is a feature documentary about fifteen young people making it through 2020. The film is an observational time capsule that lays bare the raw reflections of a g...
The Color of Ultimate: ATL was an All-Star ultimate frisbee that showcased many of the sport’s most talented players of color from across the United States and Colombia, South America. This documentar...
A comprehensive reminisce at each chapter of former NFL quarterback Michael Vick’s saga–the incredible rise, shocking fall and polarizing return....
The union of Court Lukens and Hallie Willis taken place at the King Plow Arts Center in Atlanta, GA on March 16, 2013. The venue, decoration, and catering are all party of the Bold American family....
The story behind the growth of women's and girls' volleyball in the United States and how it continues to bolster and empower young women in their development. Featuring direct interviews with players...
A young woman looks to escape her abusive life by moving to her family's farm near Atlanta. Unfortunately, she learns her place of supposed comfort offers more terrifying forms of abuse....
Multi-platinum recording artists release their first-ever live DVD. Recorded in April 2005, the shows were filmed in the band's hometown of Atlanta during two special sold-out performances featuring t...
This film Takes a journey inside the mind of a cheating wife and the challenges she faces leading a double life. This is a cautionary tale about where the pursuit of happiness can take you....
Tennis player turned coach Tashi has taken her husband, Art, and transformed him into a world-famous Major champion. To jolt him out of his recent losing streak, she signs him up for a "Challenger" ev...
Co-workers question their marriages for a variety of issues, including anger management, child-like spouses and manipulative stepchildren. Will their relationships be mended or end in divorce?...
The story of an old Jewish widow named Daisy Werthan and her relationship with her black chauffeur, Hoke. From an initial mere work relationship grew in 25 years a strong friendship between the two ve...
C.R. MacNamara is a managing director for Coca Cola in West Berlin during the Cold War, just before the Wall is put up. When Scarlett, the rebellious daughter of his boss, comes to West Berlin, MacNam...
Atlanta streets can break the best of people down. When Skylar is forced by circumstance to move from her home in Miami o Atlanta to discover her own path in life she is led astray like a sheep among ...
Far from Chicago, hairdresser Gina Norris has relocated to Atlanta with her daughter and has quickly established herself as a rare talent in her profession. But after repeatedly butting heads with her...
The spoiled daughter of a Georgia plantation owner conducts a tumultuous romance with a cynical profiteer during the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era....
With barely any money and living out of her car, struggling travel vlogger Savanna Mills (Sarah Hitzel) is willing to do anything for fame and fortune no matter how dark or twisted. In her desperation...