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This Gujarati Movie stars Malhar Thakar as Siddharth, a 23-year young e-shopping delivery boy. During a delivery he gets trapped in a vicious circle of inescapable mystery, which unfolds into a riveti...
Karan is a spoiled rich 25-year-old American NRI who has an extravagant life with his needs being at the center of his world. His grandfather passes away and leaves all his wealth in his will to a cha...
Two friends start a food delivery business after quitting their well-paying IT jobs. Their shared journey as young entrepreneurs managing a start-up comes at the cost of personal sacrifices and will t...
Mayur is a married middle-class man and that becomes his biggest problem. Juggling between various expectations of friends, family, and society, Mayur is in search of a solution as we all are. But doe...
In The Movie Romeo and Radhika, Romeo Represents naughtiness in Love and Radhika Represents The Sincerity of Love but both of them represent the Art Of Love in modern era which has the feeling to go e...
A stoic father falls in love and ends up marrying his college sweetheart whose sons are incidentally in love with both of her daughters. The sons then hilariously attempt ways to try and sabotage thei...
After his return from the USA, Aaditya decides to fulfill the last wish of his grandfather, i.e, to study about meteor showers that happen in Gujarat. While on his quest to explore meteor showers, Aad...
Thai Jashe! is an upcoming urban Gujarati film written and directed by Nirav Barot. The film is about the struggles of a middle class man to achieve his goals in the metrocity Ahmedabad. The film star...
College buddies play cupid for a couple whose love story is destined to end in tears - yet, when they reunite years later, the college pals find their memories to be mostly sweet....
Divaswapna is a story of the journey of a village boy named Kanaji who achieved all his dreams with his courage, commitment and passion despite of many odds in his life....
In the near future, glacial melting has covered 98% of earth's landmass. Sharks have flourished and now dominate the planet, operating as one massive school led by a mutated alpha shark....
A family falls victim to a scientific institute that removes memories and transfers them to a computer....
A group of lifeguards attempt to kill an atomic shark that is terrorizing the coast of San Diego....
A picturesque family vacation to the Ozarks goes sideways when a group of bull sharks show up just in time for the big fireworks festival that the town holds every year....
A new breed of aggressive, ravenous sharks cracks the frozen ocean floor of an Arctic research station, devouring all who fall through. As the station sinks into frigid waters, those alive must fashio...
Voracious sharks use human bodies to build dams....
Filipino Vietnam War movie...
After a long murder investigation, a police investigator finds the killer closer to home than he imagined....
The star of the hit series, The Haunting of Sunshine Girl, Sunshine embarks on a new adventure with her best pal, Nolan and a new sidekick Andrew. They head to Portland, Oregon in search of her favori...