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A Play Staring Samir Ghanem...
The events revolve around a group of people inside a supermarket who went to buy their necessities, and suddenly a catastrophic event occurred in the city center that prevents them from leaving...
The story revolves around a father dedicated to raising his children and harnessing all his life and power to achieve that goal, especially after the death of their mother, but the life of this father...
Ayoub Gad al-Haq, "Fouad El Mohandes," a simple employee, is struck by the great resemblance between him and the husband of the deceased employer in a big trouble where the small employer's daughter i...
The drama revolves around the novelist Sami Al-Bagouri (Fuad Al-Mohandes), whose wife Mahasen (Zahra Al-Ola) is jealous of him so much that she is jealous of his deceased wife (Fekriya). While writing...
In Seize Your Day, a greedy fabric merchant’s selfishness sparks endless conflicts, leading him to lose both business and relationships in a satirical take on the folly of unchecked ambition....
The fugitive Sayed seeks refuge with his uncle who works as a cook for a wealthy family. When the family's daughter gets divorced for the third time, the family enlist Sayed's help to marry her as a m...
About the general manager of the modern buildings company named Sherbini, enjoys a high status among his employees in the company, and follow events and discover that El Sherbini has a certificate of ...
The play tells the story of four siblings trying to stop their father from leaving his family for another woman after one of them accidentally finds a love letter from an unknown woman to their father...
A Kuwait play about a family that is looking for a house maid to help them with house work and displays house maid problems and how badly they are treated....
A play that addresses most of the sport's problems and sports fanaticism in Kuwait. It also addresses the social problems of players and raises the issue of the committee that the federation sends for...